Skilled nursing care refers to a high level of medical care that must be provided by licensed health professionals, such as licensed practical nurses (LPN), registered nurses (RNs) and Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA).
Our skilled nursing responsibility will be to provide the children with the medical care and developmental training they need to handle basic daily functions and to lead happy, healthy lives. The role of our nurses is not fixed, as our nurses are ready to carry out different kinds of responsibilities based on the type and extent of the special need.
SOL PPEC nurses are committed to interacting with each child’s family in order to teach them the skills necessary to take care of and interact with their loved ones. Our nurses seek to form strong bonds with each child and their families to become a large part of their life. Excellent communication skills are very important in our center as nurses will be able to communicate with each child, with the child’s family, with doctors in different specialisations as well as with other caregivers. Our highly skilled staff members are certified to provide medical care for children facing complex medical challenges and they are guided by a Medical Director and a Director of Nursing.
SOL PPEC provides a wide range of services such as specialized therapies, intravenous (IV) therapy, injections, monitoring of vital signs and so much more. These services can be necessary over the long term for children who need a high level of care on a frequent or constant basis due to a chronic medical condition.